About kindergarten
Dear parents, "Medutis" Kindergarten is waiting for your children and you!
The first seven years of a child's life are the foundation for the whole life, therefore particularly sensitive handling is necessary. If it is important for you to discover a sensitive approach to your child and sincere and wise education based on family values while developing the child's social skills, you are welcome at the "Medutis" kindergarten. "Medutis" is a private kindergarten in Kaunas that meets the family's humanistic values and ensures the child’s harmonious development. We offer you to visit our kindergarten and feel the warm microclimate in which children develop harmoniously, calm down and reveal themselves.
Darželyje ,,Medutis“ vaikams saugumą kuria grupės aplinka, sudaryta iš namus primenančių kambarėlių. Vaikai turi galimybę veikti atskiruose kambarėliuose, vaikščioti vieni pas kitus į svečius iš kambario į kambarį mokantis geros kaimynystės įgūdžių. Vaikai turi galimybę dalyvauti tylesnėje arba aktyvesnėje veikloje, pagal tos dienos nuotaikas ir poreikius. Didelėse erdvėse geriau auklėtojams, bet ne vaikams, nes dažną mažą vaiką didelės erdvės verčia gūžtis, gąsdina.
Darželyje veikia dvi grupės: 1,5-3,5 m. „Bitučių” grupė ir 3,5-6 m. „Meškučių” grupė. Mes įsikūrę pačiame Kauno centre, netoli Laisvės al. Į darželį “Medutis” priimami visi vaikučiai, nepriklausomai nuo jų tautybės, rasės ar religinių įsitikinimų. Prieš registruojantis, kviečiame atvykti apžiūrėti darželį jums patogiu laiku darbo valandomis, suderinus susitikimo laiką.
Our Credo: create a second home for children.
Daily routine
7.30-8.30 Atvykimas
8.00-9.00 Pre-school education classes
8.30-9.00 Exercise
9.00-9.30 Breakfast
9.30-10.00 Morning circle
10.00-10.50 Pamokėlės, teatras ar kiti užsiėmimai
10.50-11.00 Vaisiai
11.10-12.00 Žaidimai lauke, išvykos
12.00-12.45 Lunch
12.45-15.30 Poilsio ir ramybės metas
15.00-16.00 Get up, free games
16.00-16.30 Evenings
16.30-17.30 Laisvi žaidimai
Dienotvarkė negali numatyti visiškai visų darželio gyvenimo pusių ir gali būti koreguojama pagal konkrečios dienos suplanuotas išvykas, oro sąlygas, pedagogų neatvykimą bei kitas susiklosčiusias aplinkybes.
The kindergarten has been open from September until August. We are on vacation in August and the inter-holiday week in winter. The kindergarten is closed on public holidays.
Darbo laikas: I-V nuo 7:30 iki 18:00. Yra galimybė lankyti ne pilną dieną.
The diet of our kindergarten is vegetarian. Here we eat without animal products (except milk and its products). This way of our diet does not oblige families to eat vegetarian food at home, but we want to introduce another option of a healthy and interesting diet.
For cooking, we use melted butter "ghee", brown sugar, sweet milk cheese ("panyra"), legumes, sprouted seeds, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, grains, dried fruits, nuts, etc.
We prepare food on-site three times a day - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We try to buy products that are fresh and as natural as possible
Educational program
Get to know our teachers
This kindergarten is the best place to spend your childhood! Every child feels at home in this kindergarten. Gentle, competent, spiritual and extremely caring teachers look after each child with great love and devotion. A big and special THANK YOU to Zita for fresh, healthy and most importantly food made with love! We have spent more than 5 years in this wonderful kindergarten and we are grateful for every moment spent here!
I recommend it. No chasing achievements, no racing, lots of attention and respect for each child. Such as an extension of the home environment, which is very important for the smallest ones.
Additional education
Yoga classes increase body flexibility, concentration, concentration, and inner relaxation. During yoga training, children improve their thinking and mental health, and overcome anxiety and nervous tension. It increases your endurance, strengthens your body, also forms your character, increases your sense of responsibility, builds friendships, develops new skills, communication, teamwork, and overcoming challenges. The yoga training is conducted by the trainer - physiotherapist Ignas.
Music užsiėmimų metu vaikučiai klausosi įvairios muzikos, patys dainuoja, šoka, groja įvairiais muzikos instrumentais, vaidina. Muzikos užsiėmimus veda muzikos mokytoja Aušrinė.
Dance during class, children learn to move according to the rhythm of the music, perform various body movements, and try to create their dances. Dance classes are conducted by movement therapist Justina.
Eurythmy classes develop concentration, sense of space, dexterity, mobility, musicality, language, develop the ability to move freely, and harmonize the child's entire personality. The classes are conducted by eurythmy teacher Justina.
Arts ankstyvasis ugdymas padeda vaikučiui kontroliuoti kūną, suvokti save erdvėje, lavina jo stambiąją ir smulkiąją motoriką, ugdo kalbinius įgūdžius, emocinę raišką, įsivaizdavimą. Dailės užsiėmimus veda dailės pedagogė Danutė ir auklėtojos.
Dramas during classes, the theater aims to reveal to the child the harmony of the world around him, to become a sensitive, observant, attentive, creative person. Artistic taste is nurtured, helping to overcome fears and gain self-confidence. Once/twice a month, children go to the Puppet Theater, other times they play by themselves in kindergarten or watch plays prepared by teachers.
Hiking.Being in nature is vital for a developing person because in nature one discovers a sense of inner peace, and survival of the whole, the child's awareness and sense of responsibility increases, and of course the child also needs physical activity. Therefore, we try to travel to nature in any weather and learn to know plants, berries, and natural phenomena. We observe the changing nature and together we grow and change ourselves.
Cooking - is learning not through the mind, but through movement, sensation, motor skills, feeling, and taste. The teacher expands the child's experience and helps him to know the world around him not so much through explanations, but through senses, experience, and activities. In the group, there is a whole range of activities suitable for imitation, which have a social, practical, moral, and therefore educational basis.
Our environment
Interaction with family
Communication with families and their education is one of the most important things to achieve good results in the child's education.
It is important for us that families and kindergartens have a similar value approach to life and raising a child. To that end, we try to organize lectures, self-development clubs, and seminars on positive parenting and similar topics in the kindergarten. We are very happy when parents are actively involved in these activities because only together, we will be able to achieve maximum results!
- You can submit a request/complaint regarding a service purchased on our website to the State Office for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Vilniaus st. 25, 01402 Vilnius, e-mail: tarnyba@vvtat.lt, phone: 8 5 262 67 51, fax: (8 5) 279 14 66, website www.vvtat.lt); (Vilniaus St. 25, 01402 Vilnius, e-mail: tarnyba@vvtat.lt, tel. 8 5 262 67 51, fax (8 5) 279 14 66, website www.vvtat.lt);
- State Consumer Rights Protection Service for territorial divisions in counties;
- Or fill out the application form on the EGS platform http://ec.europa.eu/odr/.